
Monday, March 28, 2005


I haven't been blogging much lately because I've been actually communicating with people. Sometimes there's so much to say in so many different ways. Ok, I've got 7 minutes before I head out of the den of the office of heck. I know I've told everyone and their muffler, but I now live in an H-O-U-S-E. Crazy stuff, I tell ya, crazy stuff. But the best part about it is that it's so fucking fun! I love it. I can't get enough. Sign me up for another.

4 minutes. And I'm at a loss. I may be experiencing over-moving-into-a-house-excitement fatigue syndrome. I don't even know what I did with my day today. It all smears before my eyes before I'm onto the next thing.

New Mantra

Slow it down, baby. Slow it down.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Ha! I actually wish I'd be home tonight to catch this.

So NBC executives deserve credit for preserving the original's unflinching black humor - the show's tone could so easily have been ruined by just one wrong cut-away shot or punch line. Michael's faux pas are met with blank stares and excruciatingly long, bewildered silences. Particularly when Michael says things like, "As Abe Lincoln once said: If you are a racist we will attack you from the north."

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The Morning Report

I am well rested and eating cream cheese with a knife. I arrived at work half an hour late, not because I was running late, but because I opted for playing with my iTunes rather than rushing to work. The reason being I have no desire to be in a cube today.

But here I am.

My first hour here has been filled with delightful database entry for evaluations. I get to enter enlightening prose such as, "Better handouts would have been helpful," and "Great to hear the goals of our system," and "Jerry is our moral compass."

The corporate drivel is making me want to run, RUN. I don't want to be 40 and writing evaluations even remotely like this.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I never met a Jeremy I didn't like.

I'm writing a script! With a Jeremy. This is freaking awesome. See, I've been stuttering on my own for awhile. This current collaboration, however, has illuminated my already unfortunate realization that I am no writer. At least not a solo one. The fact has become all the more apparent now that I'm working with someone who is.

In other news, I was sheared this weekend by a character at the...I have apparently blocked the name of the salon out of my memory...Moonlight Salon? It's something nocturnal like that. The hairdresser was essentially one of those cheesy guys you usually only encounter at the local discotheque. You know, the kind that tries to come off as the sensitive type, despite the enormous sign on his forehead that reads, "This is a front. And I'm dumb." He would ask inane questions like, "If you were a performer in the circus, what type of performer would you be?" And other questions I imagined only a Heather with a clipboard would ever ask.

Friday, March 18, 2005

I'm a blogging fiend today.

It's like I'm posting every thought I have. Wait. No, I've had more thoughts than this today. No really, I have. Dammit, I feel like I have to post something erudite now.

I eat every two hours.

And you know what, I love eating every two hours. It's fun. Wanna know what I've eaten today? Of course you do.

10 am - 1 bowl of lucky charms & 2 plums

12 pm - homemade spaghetti w/spinach, mushrooms, ground beef, and bell peppers & a sweet condensed milk latte

2 pm - working on a tangelo. will probably also eat an egg.

God bless my metabolism.

This is a pic of myself on a surfboard in Maui. Posted because my super lucky friend is off to Hawaii today. Take me with you, dammit. Or at least make sure you stargaze while listening to IZ with the breeze brushing your hair.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Way Too Freaking Early

I'm at work before 8 am, which is so wrong. I'm here because I have to go to an interview for a job I don't really want. I am also in dire need of a haircut. It's doing things I can no longer control. I've spent my dawn hours in my cube looking for a hair salon. I'm excessively finicky about hairdressers and can't ever commit to the same one. Anyway, I've decided on Grettacole. But during my search, I came across this. I didn't realize Boston was metropolitan enough to house something of this sort. But there it is.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

A lot of cheer was goin' on.

Drama! Intrigue! Harvey Wallbangers! Dips! Cardigans! Right on!


I'm starting to have flashbacks of my weekend of nimiety. With a lot of help from newly discovered pics on my phone. What is the shaded man doing in the pic below? I'm not going to pretend to know. Dancing? Walking with a cane? Speaking through song? Playing with his sai sword?

Know what. I have a roll full of more pics I just turned in to be developed. I am in fear of what was captured. Actually, I think they're more than likely 'before' pictures. Somehow I finished the roll an hour into the festivities.

But I never explained exactly what happened. Well, what I can say is we played an intricate and sophisticated murder mystery game set in Manhattan, 1979. Everyone was given a character and came costumed as such. In attendance were a ninja fighter, a transgendered feminist, a streaker/artist, a diva, and a party girl. But, you know what, that's not even the half of it. Acting was involved. And let me tell you, we are quite skilled in that department. While we emoted with our hands and soliloquized with electrifying skill, we were pleasantly surprised at the labyrinthine, complex, and remarkably subtle qualities of the game.

Needless to say, however, through logic and prowess I emerged as the only victor.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Who am I? Where am I? Why am I so tired?

My brain is mushy. But I'm deceiving you here. I know why. Excess is why. Complete, unadorned, unabashed, excessive excess.

Here are a few of the things I know right now:
  • My name
  • The fact that I like chocolate
  • Where I live
  • What I'm wearing

And I can't think of much beyond that.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Today is Quote Day

The [Indians]...were impressed by the Castilians. They called them "tucupacha," "gods" or "teparachua," "big men" or, even, "acaececha," "people who wear hats."

People who wear hats?

I have to say, though, hat wearing gods sounds fantastic. All effigies should be hatted. The only hats I can think of right now are trucker hats and bowler hats. Oh, and sombreros. That's a hat. Maybe a chef hat?

Hats are fun.

The canvas can do miracles

Just you wait and see
If you believe with me

God, I love that song. It popped onto my ipod this morning on the insanely crowded bus. Someone next to me on said bus smelled like diapers. Yech. But I can always drift off into reverie when that song plays.

I began reading my Dr. Phil again this morning. My favorite quote today is:

If you're fat, you're fat. If you're lazy, you're lazy. If you're
scared, you're scared. You don't have a gandular problem, an energy
defecit, and a careful approach to life. You're fat, lazy, and

Fabulous! Does self help get any better than this? I think not.

Monday, March 07, 2005

I am only daydreaming of my bed right now.

My daily tasks seem to be quite challenging today.

Friday, March 04, 2005

I got to see my high school chums last night!

I'm cursing myself for not taking any pictures. You'll just have to believe me. It was fun, fun, fun. And it made me happy, happy, happy. We ended up playing Texas Hold'Em. This is momentous because this is the first time I've played with money. The pressure was on. It behooves me to tell you how well I did, but I won't.

Then, we rendezvoused with some of my boyfriend's friends for Ladies Night at Toast. It's meager website is pretty indicative of the atmosphere inside. Evidently, all of the ladies have moved on to Tribe. The name makes me think a little too much of bongo drums, but I hear it's a much better time.

On a surprising note, my boyfriend got SMASHED last night. This rarely happens. The most noticeable side effect was that his logorrhea kicked into overdrive. But he said some really sweet things so that kinda makes it better. Back at the apartment, vomit flowed like maroon chunky tar.

And that was my night.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Who are these people?

Why are they called celebrities?

It's interesting that, quite evidently, no real stars wanted to play pool on tv. That makes me feel better about myself. Because I'm quite average at the game. Except when alcoholic drinks are egregiously quaffed. There is a direct correlation between the number of alcoholic beverages I consume and my mastery. You must just need to be really relaxed to play well.

In conclusion, the sorry display of celebrities proves, quite evidently, that I am more kin to the Super Star than the C-list actor. Yes!

So creative

Guys can do such evocative things with the English language. They're all poets, I tell you!

Today's Word: Logorrhea

As in: My boyfriend has logorrhea.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The person standing next to my desk

just said, "It will come." 5 times. In a row. I swear to god.

No words.

I apparently was manic last night

because I went to bed at 4:30. What gives? I even attempted to sleep for an hour, but succeeded only in irritating my boyfriend by changing my position every 5 minutes. My boyfriend and I are diametrically opposed sleeping wise at the moment. He slept like a baby from 11 pm until I left this morning. His sleeping skill amazes me.

Another amazing thing is the shit you can accomplish when you're up all night. Well, maybe amazing is a tad too strong of a word. Because, in actuality, I only accomplished crafting cds for 3 separate friends. Wait a second, I'm not going to belittle myself here. This is a big accomplishment. I never get around to doing shit like this. This kind of thing inevitably gets bumped behind watching Celebrity Poker Showdown or making muffins. And, I use the words crafted and separate very intentionally. Read: I picked 3 individualized song lists. It's surprising even to me that I didn't take the easy way out and make the same cd 3 times.

So, either I love my friends each equally in their own special way. Or I was really bored and had a lot of time on my hands. Or I love iTunes.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

I am going to play scrabble!

I'm so darn freaking excited. I'm billowing up my vocab in preparation. Today's word: dishabille. As in: In my quest for complete comfort while at home, I often wander my apartment in dishabille.