
Monday, November 14, 2005

A Luver's Rant

Netflix is a great site. I'm sorry, it just is. Ok, I'm not sorry. It just is. Yet something new I have discovered on the site: it tells me the ratings of a movie within the pool of others who have rated like me. So, not only can I see the mass general rating, I can also see the rating of like-minded folks. That's just fab. Triple snaps for them.

Clive Owen is the sexiest actor making movies today.

This weekend, I visited Boston's Greek Studio 54, where my lucky roommate was serenaded in Arabic, it being his birthday and the band being, er, Middle Eastern. Well, it was Middle Eastern night, so that's the best I can do. I quizzed everyone as to their favorite member of the band and the popular consensus was the bongo player. As for myself, I was in luv with the synthesizer player. Cause synthesizers are cheesy and whenever anyone takes anything cheesy seriously, well, that just floats my skirts like nothing else can. I like the paradox. Speaking of cheez, have you seen Madonna's new video? Fun, right? When she's practicing her dance moves in front of the mirror? So tongue in cheek and so awesome.

There is not enough dancing in my life. There, I said it.


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