
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Adding It Up

For lack of anything better to look at on my subway ride today, I started reading my root beer can. And shockingly noticed it had enough calories to feed a family of five. When did that happen? It made me realize how long it's been since I actually counted calories. There was a time in college when I did that religiously. I don't know why I stopped, really. I'm guessing it was probably about the time I discovered the wonders of cheap beer and jello shots. Now that I think about it, I can recap my college years really easily:

Freshman - Wow, I can eat ice cream for breakfast! No one's stopping me! This is fantastic! Wait, I can go back for seconds at lunch AND dinner? That's unheard of! Well, it's bad to let things go to waste. I love hanging with my friends in the cafeteria for 3 hours everyday. It's the best. What a great way to catch up with each other!

Sophmore - How did I get a C last year in Intro to Sculpture? I guess he wasn't as impressed with the bronze egg I turned in as my final as he should have been. Ok, I really need to focus this year. I should probably attend more classes than I miss. Good thinking! See, you're not so dumb after all.

Junior - I'm really sick of wearing all of this flannel. Why don't I ever wear those jeans I used to love in high school anymore? That's weird, they won't even fit over one leg. Did they shrink? It must be the crappy dryers here at school. There's got to be something cute in my closet that fits me. Wait a second. Oh. My. God. I'm fat! How did this happen? No, this is unacceptable. I will go to the gym 8 times a week and memorize the caloric contents of the entire grocery store.

Senior - It is so AWESOME that half of my friends can legally buy alcohol now. God, how did we ever have any fun without it? This is the best! Hey, remember last night when we drank all that trash can punch and started dancing on the table and then someone found the whip cream stash and we started smearing it in each other's hair. You looked so funny! Those pictures are going to rock!

Voila! That's pretty much it. And it more than prepared me for the binge drinking and sporadic gym obsession of my 20s. Yay college!


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