
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Super Avoider! Look At Her Run Away! With Such Skill!

This is one of my friends who gets very excited whenever I attempt to take his picture and does things like pull his hat over his face. He's a very lithe guy. Lately I've been wondering, if we wrestled, who would be able to take the other down. I actually really considered this. Something along the lines of a Superman v. Batman fight, but on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. More like Strawberry Shortcake v. Rainbow Brite. I was even going to ask him his thoughts. Then I realized I was being slightly, ok, outright delusional. I couldn't even take my grandmother down. I am SO LAME in the wrestling/fighting/physical maneuvering/any confrontation at all department. Can Extremely Weak be considered a superpower? Or how about Fight Avoider? That could be my superpower! I always manage to squirm my way out of every confrontation. That's a skill, people.


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