
Friday, July 08, 2005

Most Excellent Idea. But...Jittery Rant? Come on.

You didn’t have to mention that you’ve been drinking coffee. You should copy this jittery rant and paste it on your blog.

-----Original Message-----
From: Notyomomma
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 2:13 PM
To: DallasSugarMuffinWhoStinks
Subject: RE: Can you

I tried to look it up on the internet and the site is blocked! How goofy is that? Did I tell you my co. makes all of their new hires take a drug test? How ghetto is that? I guess people in Atlanta do a lot of drugs.

I am having dinner with a friend Errin, who I knew back in the day in San Diego. We're going to Delux Cafe. I think it's the last place in Boston you can buy a beer for $2. Well, besides dive bars. There are lots of dive bars in Boston. Dive bars scare me. They're all full of men with gray hair who look crochety. There's a dive bar I used to pass on my way to work every morning. No lie, there would be old men in there at 7 in the morning, drinking, I don't know, what do old men drink? whisky? with their hash and bacon and eggs. I am soo moving away from my point here. I think my point is that dive bars fascinate me and I wish I wasn't too scared to enter them. That same dive bar I just mentioned is also a big lesbian hangout. Isn't that weird? There are old crochety men and tank topped beefy women just hanging out together. Who wins the jukebox in that situation?

Ok, now I'm really going to get back to my point. Ashlee will be joining us. Then, Ashlee and I plan on shaking our tailfeathers. But we don't know where yet.

I drink coffee everyday now. Medium iced coffees from Peet's.


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