
Friday, June 24, 2005

Man Bag Bitchslap

The man bag has entered my life.

My boyfriend currently believes with all of his soul that a man bag is a vital component in keeping him on top of his new doctor game. The palm pilot, cell phone, notecards, black pens, red pens, contacts case, and toothbrush aren't going to carry themselves, I suppose. But, come on. Would you carry a man bag? That's not even supposed to be an option really. It should never even enter your thoughts. Not even with a ten foot pole. His doctor friends have futilely attempted to block his purse-backpack-wrong-wrong-wrong-hybrid faux pas. They've tried telling him the lack of sleep and never ending onslaught of patients will eventually win over all of his excited about new job eagerness anyway. Evidently, soon he'll begin lying down on every surface available and speaking as if he washed down 3 valiums with a rum and coke at lunch. Needless to say, he'll be unable to hold onto a pen, much less a man bag. Well, I hope he gets delirious very, very soon.

Have I told you how cute I think his white coat is? To me, it's like a fun prop he gets to adorn to go cavort in the doctor hospital. Cause really he's still just a goofy guy in my book. Someone who makes me ask where the bathrooms are when he has to pee, gets a little too excited about ordering dessert, and tries on at least three different shirts before going out. In other words, so not what I imagine doctors to be like. The day before he started his doctor rotations, we had to feng shui everything onto the coat. There's a lot of stuff he has to throw on there- stethoscope, beeper, access badges, nametag, notecards, pens, power bars.

On another note, things keep hitting my face. On my way to work this morning, a bug flew into it. Now, I know my head is on the big side and is more like an inflated beach ball strapped to a pole, but I just can't take it anymore. Yesterday, a pigeon flew up and bitch slapped me. No, I'm not kidding. Like pigeons aren't scary enough anyway. People make fun of me for constantly ducking and running out of pigeons' flight paths, but I feel this redeems me 100%. They will bitch slap you, people. You best join in on the running and ducking.

My favorite quote of the moment: Bobby Brown, regarding his slandering of celebrities on his reality show, "If you can't take a joke, then you need to go somewhere and die." Yes, DIE! Ha! Take that serious people! Bobby just wants to bring you merriment.


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