
Monday, July 25, 2005

Blog Fart

I am so ridiculously tired. I haven't been this tired at work in quite a while. Maybe some Peet's coffee is in order. There are some weekends that just aren't long enough. I was too active this weekend. If I don't lay about the house for at least 4 hours on Sunday, then I am not prepared for my slave work duty on Monday. Ok, I'm going to go get that coffee now. Hold on a sec...

I got that coffee. But I'm beginning to believe coffee is bad for you. Considerably bad for you. Probably shouldn't drink it every day bad for you. It goes against my whole healthy food lifestyle. I mean, I am avid about consuming mainly fruits and vegetables. Now, I'm doing my body a disservice by drowning it in a drug known as coffee.


Ok, so back to my tiredness. I'm tired. I'm also a little bored and want to go home and lie down. The office is boring me today. More so than it has in a while. I guess Atlanta and the whole real paycheck realization made last week more or less exciting. But, now it's this week. And the sameness of it all is back in full force.

I played a game this weekend called Taboo, which I loved. I LOVE BOARD GAMES. I do.

Would this be considered blog farting? Because this entry is quite aimless, no? And sporadic.

I need an agenda.


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