
Friday, May 27, 2005


Last night I took the time to catch a truly indie flick, Funny Ha Ha. It was playing in the screening room at Coolidge Corner. Have you visited this new addition to Brookline's indie theater? It's on the second floor tucked away in a corner. You step inside and you instantly feel like you're in some mogul's private viewing room. It's that small, probably about the size of most of our living rooms, but with a screen far bigger than you and I will ever own.

I identified quite a bit with the movie. The main character's life has a few paralells to my own. She's a temp. That's A. And she meanders through her life, a bit confused, unsure where to take herself, no specific career path in mind, hanging out with friends that present themselves, looking for some love. The great quality that separates this movie from most other fare is its r-e-l-a-x-e-d tempo. The scenes feel as if they could've been sliced from the pie of your own life. As opposed to the hyper-focused energy of mainstream movies, where the entire scene will be an excited account of Brad working up the nerve to ask Sally out, or something pointed like that. Rather, there's an organic approach, where people and occurrences depicted plainly exist. The interesting parts of the story bubble up out of them. Nonetheless, the story did have an arc of sorts. The kind of arc you and I find in our own lives. There are points 1, 2, and 3, but all of this other stuff happens in between. The kind of stuff that is mostly mellow and boring, yet finds its way into our minds late at night and provides endless rumination fodder.

The movie, I am more than sure, isn't for everyone. I find I'm drawn to these real-life-tempo movies more than others. And there are some faults with it. Mainly, it coulda used a few more turns on the editing wheel. But it's nice when things don't force themsleves at you. And breathe a bit. And don't try to saturate every pore on your body with ENTERTAINMENT. And speak to you a little. And let you be you, while they be them.


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