
Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Yo soy suenyo.

I think that means 'I'm a dream,' actually. What I mean to say is I am verrrrrry tired. I'm eyes half closed tired. I'm not able to make sense of what I'm reading tired. I'm apathetic tired. I'm tired tired.

Due to my lack of funds, I was only able to buy 3 things on my trip:

-picture of Frida and Diego for my mom (Mothers Day, natch)
-dainty, swervy metal bracelet
-velvet green sombrero

The last one is the one I'm most excited about. It's going to be my birthday hat. It ended up being my airplane hat, too, though, for the ride home. Sombreros make people smile at you more, I noticed. Probably more of a repressing you-look-really-silly laugh, no doubt. Ah well, I like it. Maybe it's the half Mexican in me. My beau likes it, too. He's a big fan of me in hats. Some guys are like that. They just get so amused seeing their girlfriend with a weird prop on her head. No matter what shop we're in, he'll demand I try on every available hat. Then, he'll look at me. Then, he'll make me look at me. Then, we have to both give our opinion of the hat. Then, we'll look at the price and yell, 'God!' Then, we'll repeat. I always get more weary of the hat trying than he does.

The green sombrero, however, I will be wearing with pride and my own big silly smile.


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