
Monday, December 05, 2005

Hey, party people!

I went to a party last night! Wooohoooo! Even though I left the party at 9 (it started at 6- cut some slack), I am tired. I've been waiting since 9 this morning for the host or any other blogger in attendance (and there were many) to post pics, but they are lame and clearly aren't even awake yet. So, let me recreate the setting for you: there were dips, mainly myself and my, ahem, friend. And there was a hostess with the mostest nice and cozy apartment. And there were people I haven't seen in at least one month. (That's like 10 years in Friends-Living-In-The-Same-City years.) And there was lots of make-up! And lights on a tree! And bubbly! And...and...talk of movies! And talk of life! And fits of laughter and amusement! And mild drunkenness! And this was all only by 9 pm.

So post the pics already. Jeesh.


Blogger Terra said...

awww...working on it! Blogger, like myself, is being a bit sluggish today and isn't really accepting the work load of my pictures. But it'll be up shortly.

Glad you came. It was fun. Cocktails are evil, but I love them anyway.

2:05 PM  

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