
Saturday, November 26, 2005

Girlie So Moderately Groovy, I Want You To Know

"Scenes From A Life" is what I'm calling the series of photos yesterday. Have y'all been listening to WFNX this holiday weekend? They're playing this eternal 'left over lunch' and it's most awesome. This morning, in the 8 minutes I was in the car, I got to hear 'Debaser' by the Pixies, Elastica's first hit single, which I can't remember the name of right now, and 'There Is A Light That Never Goes Out.' Come on! That's fantastic! I love it, love it, love it. I was thinking though about the terminology, "left over lunch." When I was in high school, there was a radio station in Dallas (the Edge) that ran a similar program during the lunch time hour. As a matter of fact, it was titled exactly the same, too. And, they played the exact same music. So, the "oldies" in my life have been the same since I started appreciating music. And they will forever be my oldies. I will carry them throughout my life. They will be played at my wedding, I will torture my kids with them in the car, more than likely a few of them will be played at my funeral. Hunh.

My thanksgiving was spent mostly cracking my shit up to the second season of Arrested Development. That's what I give thanks for. Who needs friends? I joke! I kid with you! No, no, I finally peeled myself off of the couch and sobered up enough to drive to a friend's place in Beacon Hill. Where we played Taboo. We pitted the boys against the girls, and you know what? We girls KICKED ASS. It was never so evident how poorly guys are at communicating, until we clustered them together and made them to try to describe things to one another. It was a slow, painful torture to watch. Lots of "um's" and awkward silences. However, we women were on fire. Poor, poor men.

Today, I am WILLING myself to work out. Come on, Notyomomma, do it! Please? Just do it! You have no choice! Listen to me! No, don't put on that robe! Take off the slippies!! Find your sneakers right this instant! You do too know where they are! Don't lie to me!


Oh! Tonight, I'm going to hear Oakenfold spin. It's actually making me feel a bit old. Many of the events transpiring along with this, are things that NEVER would have happened back when I was a true clubber:

A) The tickets were purchased well in advance, due to excessive pre-planning of night "out on the town."

B) We are planning on arriving by 9 pm. To make sure we get there in time and don't have to stand in any long lines.

C) There are 3 couples going together. The combined coupledom equalling well over a decade.

D) As part of the night "out on the town," we will be having a chichi dinner, where we will share a bottle or two of pinot noir.

Back in the day, this WAS NOT the way I prepared for a night of clubbing. I was usually getting ready at 10 pm sipping a rum and coke as I tried on clothes while dancing in front of the mirror with the music blaring from my stereo.

Oh well. I'll just revel in my musical left overs and try not to embarass myself too much tonight while doing the smurf.


Blogger sevendots said...

I love Arrested Development, too! It's an awesome show, COME ON!! In fact, my husband is watching it right now...

11:26 AM  

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