
Monday, November 28, 2005

Sorely Lacking In Soot Drawings

I checked out the Drawing Show at the Boston Center for the Arts' Mills Gallery this weekend. The novelty of this show is the artists were asked to draw directly on the walls. It contains a hodgepodge of styles. There's mural, grafitti, minimalist, and conceptual works. There are even a few exquisite corpses thrown in the mix. And there's only like 10 works in the entire exhibit! So, if you're used to unifying themes, you might feel a bit left out to sea. However, this may be the point. It appears the curators chose the works to give a sense of all that's possible and happening in the drawing world.

I found myself drawn to the mural for a lengthy bit of time. It may be the Mexican in me. No really, it seemed to be conveying some enigmatic story, that was tantalizingly readable, yet not. I was also drawn to these adorable yet strange bunny creatures cavorting near black holes. They're quite small and drawn at, below, and above eye level. So, I found myself always adjusting myself to be on their level to see what they were doing. It was like witnessing a parallel universe. A universe where animals performed human activities, but for different reasons than why we perform them. Again, almost understandable, yet very alien at the same time.

There were no drawings of people covered in soot, granted. So maybe I am not up with the times. But, I got to do some appreciating and that makes me happy.


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