
Monday, April 18, 2005


Can't live with them...and, well, don't live with them really. Anyway. Guests ALWAYS ruin any healthful, disciplined regimens you have going on. And you ALWAYS eat more when they're around, because that's the way humans socialize. At regular feedings of gargantuan amounts of meat and starches. So, now, after only one day of company, I'm feeling bloated and lethargic. Gym tomorrow? Very doubtful. Going to the gym when you have guests is a mortal sin. You're practically guaranteeing yourself not to get into heaven. Plus, I think I'm coming down with something. I'm convinced someone at the barbeque gave it to me. I don't care how exceptionally healthy and vibrant with their blue eyeliner everyone appeared. All that french kissing probably didn't help either. Damn Fiedler and his luscious tongue.


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