
Thursday, June 15, 2006

My status is OFF THE HOOK, baby!

Here's the scoop: That one remaining boss I had? He straight up quit on Monday. No forewarning. No really good reason, either. He's going back to the company he used to work for, evidently. So me? I'm boss-less, which I don't know if I need to tell you, IS FUCKING FABULOUS. Today, I rolled in at 10:30-ish. I mean, I do have to make an appearance at least, right? I plan on staying for about an hour and then taking a three hour lunch. Then, probably make another appearance in the afternoon, say at 4-ish for about a half hour. I feel like Paris Hilton or something with the 'appearances.' The one big crapper about the situation, though, is all of the computers in our company are hooked up on a network. Ok, duh. But, we've got this software that automatically tells you if someone is at their computer, supposedly with the intent of letting everyone know if they can IM you or not. If you leave your desk for ten minutes, you're status switches to "away" or if you don't log on at all, the little person beside your name turns blood red and states in huge bold letters that you are OFFLINE. The bummer to this being, of course, everyone and their dog can tell I haven't rolled in until mid-morning.

However! This week, my manager (who works in Atlanta (company headquarters)), is on vacation. So, there's really no one checking up on me (that's what I'm going to keep telling myself) and I get to have a little mini-vacay of my own. Sad, sad reality will tumble back upon me on Monday, unfortunately. BUT! I'm headed to Cabo on Wednesday, so I guess I'll try to muster up some sort of work ethic for two days. Although, I think I've entirely forgotten what professional working demeanor entails. My new boss may be very surprised to find me in jams shorts and alternative indie blaring from all available computer speakers.

Or is that ok office behavior? I forget.


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