
Monday, February 27, 2006

A Photographic Homage to My Feverblister

Although my current feverblister has swelled up to extreme dimensions AND is oozing AND is causing me to drool, because it won't for the love of god let me close my mouth without extreme pain, this, unbelievably, is not the worst feverblister of my life. That honor is bestowed upon The Great Grotesque Growth of 1990, aka The Spring Break Terror aka What Not to Wear With a Bikini aka Why Doesn't Anyone From the Opposite Sex Want to Talk to Me?

Since it was a vacation, there were copious pictures taken, of course. Quickly, I realized that I DID NOT want to be remembered as the icky girl with the feverblister for a bottom lip. So, I devised a tactic. A crafty, quick witted, and quite effective tactic, if I may pat myself on the back for my masterful handling of the situation.

Look! My hand is in front of my mouth! INGENIOUS! You can't see the feverblister, can you?

Believe it or not, that was not my only diverting tactic. I had more up my sleeve. Witness:

I have placed a camera in front of my mouth! What crazy skill! How did I come up with this?! Sometimes I amaze myself.

Eventually, I think my friends caught on to my maneuverings. I'm still not sure if they thought I was on the cutting edge of posing for pictures, or if they just started mocking me, but soon everyone was on the bandwagon:

And that, for good or bad, is how my first Spring Break will always be remembered.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats a great idea! funny too

2:46 AM  

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