
Thursday, December 15, 2005

Little Ways To Brighten One's Day

My co-worker is a dead ringer for Amy Poehler. How fabulous would it be to work with Amy? Maybe I'll just pretend she's Amy. That may be good enough. I'll convince myself that every one of her actions is either a hilarious joke or the prelude to a hilarious joke. Let the work merriment begin!

There ain't enough m-o-m-e-n-t-u-m in my life. Gotta speed it up, baby. Which reminds me, somehow I managed to punch the button while listening to my voicemail that makes the play back sssssssllllllllllllooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww ddddddddddoooooooooooowwwwwwwwnnnnnnnn. Everyone sounds like they have chronic fatigue syndrome and love their job about as much as I do. It makes me giggle, I have to say. Maybe I should start talking like that in real life. Yes, perhaps talking in affected voices will be that extra little twist I need to brighten my day. It makes me think of that time in high school when we had to recite Shakespeare aloud. Every high schooler in America is forced through this, no doubt. But, when our teacher would step out of the room as she had a tendency to do about every ten minutes, we would start reciting the lines operatic style. Believe it or not, we were not classically trained in this esteemed art form of drawing out every word as if it were a paragraph unto itself. But, we did our best.


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