
Monday, August 29, 2005

"I know how to spell, Mother"

I have been a poo pooer of a blogger lately. I'm an easily distracted person, so please forgive. Let's see, what's going on with me? I'm drinking another Dr. Pepper, that's one thing. I bought a 12 pack. I feel like Buster with the J-U-I-C-E. I've been rewatching the 1st season of Arrested Development and I seem to be relating my entire life to the show as a result. Mmmmm, you know who I like? That Jason Bateman. Mmmmhmmmm. I like him a lot. I can't believe I'm writing this on my blog. What about when I become famous? This will be so embarassing when it's brought up in the tabloids.

You know who else drinks Dr. Pepper like it's water? I'll give you 5 gazillion guesses. You know, I actually know someone who literally tries to guess whenever I say that to him. And not just a couple of guesses. He will guess and guess and guess and guess and guess and guess and guess and guess and guess and guess until he gets it correct. Or, more than likely, until I have to yell the answer to him out of sheer frustration. Isn't that crazy? I mean really, isn't that just not done? It's not a thinking game! It's a rhetorical question! Am I right or am I right? Crazy man. Oh, the correct answer is my dad.


Blogger Maggie said...

Don't you think that Diet Dr. Pepper tastes *nothing at all* like regular Dr. Pepper? When the ads say "tastes more like regular Dr. Pepper," what do they mean? More than Sprite does? I'd have to agree with them on that. Are they getting away with a grammatical technicality?

What is up with you and your boyfriend/notboyfriend/roomamte/house-of-convenience inflicter? I need guidance from the Hometown, because I am now also lost and confused in the world of men. Help!

Also, how goes the mullet? My friend has a good hairdresser on Comm Ave, and if you're really desperate, I have a great one down here in Manhattan and one in Vancouver!

1:58 PM  
Blogger Notyomomma said...

Actually, I'm on the other side of the fence on that one. I think it tastes remarkably similar to regular Dr. Pepper. But, maybe that's because I just loooooooove Dr. Pepper. Mmmmmhhmmmmm. Love it.

BOYFRIEND UPDATE: We are as-official-as-it's-ever-been broken up. Our schedules are pretty different, so we don't have to see each other much. I actually ran into him at the grocery store the other day, which was odd. It was odd because we hardly run into each other at the house, so it was like, I don't know, running into that guy I made out with at the U2 concert in 1992 or something. But he gave me a ride home and borrowed some money from me. Some things never change. I don't hold any grudges at all, and so far it seems like he's going to be civil and friendly throughout the disengagement. So, let's put one mark in the Yay For Breakup! column.

Duuuuuuude. The mullet. Sigh. the mullet. At first, it was novel, I have to admit. But, the novelty has WORN OFF. I can't style it. I can't. And it's all humid here in Boston, so it's frizzy again. You gotta hook me up with the name of your friend's hairdresser.

10:16 AM  

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