
Monday, February 28, 2005

More Excess

I'm getting a little too comfortable with this not showering before work thing. Surprisingly, I'm relatively perky for all of the ubiquitous drinking that went on last night. I don't remember the end of the Oscars. At all. But, I do recall Chris Rock in the beginning being pretty funny. The snippet of him asking the patrons of the Magic Johnson theater their movie picks was awesome. And I remember him scoring on everyone, which is always funny.

I was at a friend's last night. Well, my boyfriend's friend, but I've now adopted him as my own. He's way cool. Somehow amidst all the revelry, he managed to burn me 3 cds. Suddenly, they just appeared in my hand on my way out the door. You can't beat that. And, get this- he prepared a 4 course dinner for us. From scratch! It was good! I have pics!

First course: oven roasted tomatoes with herbs and cheese
Second course: potato leek cilantro soup
Third course: Tilapia fish with some yummy topping and edible flowers
Fourth course: ginger ice cream

Yes! Yes! Yes! Everything was sublime. Except for the edible flowers, because they tasted like flowers.

And I'm happy that Charlie Kaufman won an oscar.


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